What is BioEnergetic Wellness?

Poster saying "Make Yourself a Priority"

I am delighted to share a new documentary that shares the power of Applied Kinesiology. In Canada, we refer to this as BioEnergetic Wellness, which is the result of using the tools of muscle response testing, biofeedback, and in Dr Michelle’s case, the language of the body and movement to heal.

At the Greenwell Center we focus on tools that the layperson can use themselves to empower their healing, and this includes movement, Tai Chi, dance, and tools from Touch for Health (TM), Therapeutic Touch (TM), NeuroReflex Integration, Brain Gym, and so much more.

Enjoy the documentary, and consider how our online and in-person classes could be supporting your daily wellness plan, and how our teas can help you gain the strength of the herbs and intentions that they include.

Award Winning Programs

To learn more about Tai Chi, you can find in person and online classes for Tai Chi Cape Breton, as well as the classes held in West Kelowna, BC with the Wine Country Tai Chi Society.

Dr Michelle will be in West Kelowna for their spring workshop in March, stay tuned for details.

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