The Power to Heal Yourself with Marian Egan
Are you ready to be the self-empowered person for healing? Join us to learn how easy the tools can be.
Are you ready to be the self-empowered person for healing? Join us to learn how easy the tools can be.
Join us to learn more about our special blend being released today!
Beta 2 is looking for people interested in changing their health course today! No more procrastination….are you with us?!
Your mindset is your compass. We can have a hidden compass leading our way, or we can let go of old patterns, stories, ideas and create a compass that is free from the old. How are you gaining your resiliency?
Put this poster in a safe place to have as a ready guide for choosing your best tea yet for self-care, learning, and recovery from sports, dance, or outdoor activities. TEA can be a great ally for keeping you in the best head space for learning.
Are you looking for resources for seniors? Join the Greenwell Center in supporting with resources and podcast episodes.
Sometimes it is hard to get out of our own way…are you in a rut and can’t seem to get out. Join us for this empowering conversation full of helpful tidbits for the right change.
Are you ready to learn more about health care through your oral well-being? Consider what the teeth have to tell you about your habits and patterns.
Inflammation can be so many different things. How you look at the signal from your body can be different when you know what to look for. What do you know about your inflammation?