Do you find yourself repeating patterns and wondering why things don’t change for you? Are you in a rut?
Watch “Living Naturally with Michaela” today…
When you drive your car or bicycle along a road way, you try to avoid the ruts. In fact, you will slow down, swerve, and move over to avoid a rut. In our lives, many of us find a rut and seem to get pulled down into it, and we continue in the rut until someone pulls us out.
Does this sound familiar to you? What is it that keeps us from getting out of the rut ourselves, and quickly, rather than after too much time has passed and we are comfortable in our rut.
Michaela Jones, ND and Dr. Michelle Greenwell, CIH, have been combining their talents for several years to realize and move the ruts of everyday habits. They do this through their collaborative process with each other, as well with the groups, clients, and workshops they offer.
Do you want to learn more about their secret formula for getting out of the rut and finding a smooth pathway? In this show they will be sharing more about the BioEnergetic Wellness Formula that Dr. Michelle identified in her dissertation work for her degree in Complementary and Integrative Health. Michaela will share her insights into the patterns that she recognizes in her clients, and together they will share some special exercises to help you identify the patterns of comfort, and the choices for passionate living.
This show originally aired August 2, 2024. Join us live on the 1st Friday of each month for a new topic.