As we celebrate World Mental Health Day today, consider how time spent with the AME for Greatness Project could leap you forward on your Wellness Plan!
To learn more about the webinar, take a look at this blog post and register.

As we celebrate World Mental Health Day today, consider how time spent with the AME for Greatness Project could leap you forward on your Wellness Plan!
To learn more about the webinar, take a look at this blog post and register.
AME for Greatness Project Body Code Calm Complementary Care Health and Wellness Intuition mental health Mental Wellbeing Pain Relief Podcast Qi Gong Self-Care Self-Empowerment Stress Release tai chi Wellness wellness plan
The Greenwell Center for Holistic Health resides on Unama'ki, a part of Mi'kma'ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq People. We are honoured to live, work, harvest, and play on the beautiful Cape Breton Island.
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