Are you ready to look at the real reason you can’t get out of your habits and into revitalizing activities? If you are not sure? Check out this podcast!
Your past is your compass
Our parents, family life, experience, stories we tell ourselves, friends, work…all have an impact on how we move forward.
Have you found yourself saying, “I like to do it this way because my [mom, brother, grandfather, friend] did it this way.” But, when you look at the pattern, even you recognize it no longer serves a purpose, or it is keeping you stuck. We know what we know and we act based on what we know.
We can change our past!
What? You can re-write history? Absolutely. We can reach into our old stories and ideas, and we can release them from our memory in a way that doesn’t erase the power of the experience, but the emotional hold it has over us. We can let go of why we need the story, and we can inspire new ideas and awareness about the story. Perspective can be so powerful, and it is not with our conscious side of the brain, but rather, our unconscious side – the side that registers and holds our patterns.
Why Should We Release our Mindset?
We can continue down the path of I remember when, I already know how to do it, or I have it all figured out. It can get us to a finish line, but will it make us happy? Will it help us to thrive? Will it inspire us to grow and learn with new ideas and opportunities? What is the quality we want to move forward?
Billie Aadmi, of Go Mindspire Inc. shares her skillset and personal experience with us. She reveals some of her personal accolades that helped her to be released from her past so that she could set a new pathway for herself and her children.
Billie has a special offer of a FREE e-book called “Resiliency is My Middle Name” which you can find on her website. She also has special workshops and trainings coming up that can help you release the old stories and create a new narractive for living vibrantly.
Listen to the podcast episode here:
Resources from the Greenwell Center
If you want to learn more about the tea that was featured in this episode, check out Mintal ClariTEA. You can learn more from the stories about Harmony blends here.
If you are looking for a way to change your patterns from Dr Michelle, check out the latest offerings for one-on-one sessions this fall here.
Consider a Tai Chi class to move yourself into the physical freedom and joy you have been desiring. You can find out more on our calendar.