Touch for Health®

Understand Your WellBeing through the Five Element Theory from Chinese Medicine

Touch For Health is an all-encompassing training program brought forward in the 1970’s by Dr. John Thie, a chiropractor and applied kinesiologist.  In the Complete Edition textbook, he is accompanied by his son, Matthew Thie, adding metaphors from Chinese Medicine knowledge.

Dr. George Goodheart realized the original discoveries of the relationship of muscle to meridian to element in the 1960s, and the addition of Neurolymphatics, NeuroVasculars, Goal Setting, and specialized protocols transformed chiropractic patient care. 

Although Touch for Health originates through applied kinesiology and chiropractic knowledge, Dr. Thie and his wife Carrie developed a program for families and other health professionals to be able to use simple techniques for daily self-care and health support.

The techniques shared include understanding acupuncture points, meridian energy lines, the power of the elements in nature, the empowering relationship of muscle to organ system to element, and more. It can be used on oneself, family, and friends to balance the muscles in the body, prevent injury, gain strength and flexibility and assist in recovery. It’s great for sports enthusiasts, those people dealing with learning or mobility difficulties, injury and recovery, sleep challenges, mental well-being, and more.


Muscle Balancing

Energy pathways in the body are related to specific muscles and meridians, as well as organs. Using light-touch muscle monitoring for biofeedback, muscles that are found to release with a stressor are empowered using techniques from acupressure, massage, and Chinese meridian theory. The information freeway that passes along the meridians is accessed through an energetic feedback loop from the brain to the body through the muscle response test and this helps with prioritizing the needs of the person and their unique situation.

Brain Body Integration

When we have full integrity in our brain function and awareness, we can expand the movement patterns in our body, as well as the connection of information from the brain to the body and back again. In Touch for Health, we have points we can use to switch on communication between the hemispheres, right and left sides of the body, whole body integration, dimensional connections for front and back, side to side, up and down, eyes, and ears. When we are integrated learning is less laborious, memory is sharpened, reading skills are opened, coordination provides for ease of movement and skill development, and more.

Emotional Stress Release

The most valuable tool you can provide yourself with, is the ability to quickly and easily de-stress a situation. Stress release techniques may include emotional balancing, affirmations, visualization, massage techniques and movement exercises. Once emotions have been diffused in a situation, creative approaches to problem solving, past trauma and set patterns can be re-evaluated, and other emotions can come forward that provide a joy for living.

Food Sensitivity Training

Prioritizing our needs through biofeedback supports healthy choices for bioenergetic wellness. That is, when we make choices that drop our energy level we are doing something bioacidic. When we make choices that are bioneutral we are consuming or engaging in activities that neither give us more energy, nor take energy away. Bioenergetic choices provide us with energy boosting. Using biofeedback through awareness and muscle monitoring, we can check on food preferences, sensitivities, repetitive patterns, herbal support and more. This work can be very beneficial for children’s diets, pet’s diets, allergies, skin disturbances etc.

Touch for Health Introductory Workshop

If you want to increase your energy, improve your concentration, sleep easier, and reduce stress, then this class is for you! We will explore new ways to energize your body and help it to move and feel stronger.
The class will cover such topics as meridian sweeps, energy systems, and emotional stress release techniques to name a few. -3 hours
Online and in-person classes are available. Please email for the next scheduled class.
A great companion to this course is the BioEnergetic Essentials book, and It’s in the Cards deck found in our shop. Having these tools at your fingertips daily changes the way you proactively support your well-being. E-book and hard-copy versions are available.
The video shares the Balancathon Event in Toronto, showing how easy it is to do Touch for Health daily.  Pictured here are dancers warming up for their show using the Muscle Dance.


Touch for Health Level 1

Using the official textbook by Dr. John Thie, an Applied Kinesiologist and Chiropractor, this level learns how to muscle monitor one muscle from each of the 14 meridians: Supraspinatus, Teres Major, Pectoralis Major Clavicular, Latissimus Dorsi, Quadriceps, Peroneus, Psoas, Gluteus Medius, Teres Minor, Anterior Deltoid, Pectoralis Major Sternal, Anterior Serratus, Fascia Lata.

Using a balance-as-you-go procedure the body is balanced using Neurovascular Holding Points, Neurolymphatic Reflex Points, Meridian Tracings, Origin/Insertion technique, and the Spinal Reflex Point. Accurate muscle monitoring is achieved with an introduction to prechecks, hydration, and challenges. Further techniques include Emotional Stress Release, Strengthening with Foods, Cross Crawls, Visual Inhibition, Auricular exercises, Surrogate testing, Simple pain releasers, Posture awareness, and Goal Setting. The full course is a minimum of 15 hours.

The cost for the course is $450 plus HST and includes the handouts in pdf, a one-year general membership to, and a certificate from the International Kinesiology College that oversees the Touch for Health program. CEUs are available for those using this course for academic studies.

The Touch for Health Complete Edition Textbook by John and Matthew Thie is required and can be purchased online.

Students also become part of The KEY to Health Touch for Health Team on Facebook to stay connected with each other and to stay updated on the latest details in our BioEnergetic Wellness profession. Practice sessions may happen throughout the year when students wish to connect more and work on their muscle-monitoring techniques.

Before continuing with Level 2, 3, and 4, students are asked to order from Michelle the study workbook for Touch for Health. This is a study guide that can support your learning and which will be a required component for anyone wanting to further their skills after Level 4.  5 Case  Studies are required before moving to the next level.

This photo is of students discussing the peroneus muscle response test for the bladder meridian system. 


Touch for Health Level 2

After a review of the details from Level 1 for any clarification needed, students accelerate their skills into 14 more muscles: Neck Flexors, Brachioradialis, Middle and Lower Trapezius, Rectus Abdominus, Sacrospinalis, Iliacus, Adductors, Piriformis, Sartorius, Popliteus, Rhomboids, Middle Deltoid, Quadratus Lumborum.

Circuit locating is introduced to more accurately choose the correct activation point. Further techniques include Golgi/Spindle Proprioceptors, Acupressure Holding Points, Alarm Points, Balance using the Wheel, Law of the 5 Elements, Food Testing, ESR for Future Performance, Meridian Massage, Meridian Walking, Cerebrospinal Technique, Cross Crawl Integration, Time of Day Balance. The full course is a minimum of 15 hours.

The cost for the course $400 plus HST and includes the handouts in pdf, and a certificate from the International Kinesiology College that oversees the Touch for Health program. CEUs are available. Payment: $100 deposit/level non-refundable, with balance due 14 days before the start of the course. Referral discount: 10%/person. CanBeWell Members: 10% discount. Repeat any level for 50% discount.

The photo is from a Touch for Health Retreat held in Costa Rica, by colleague Alexis Costello.  Michelle is demonstrating the quad muscle response test with Cynthia Aldred. 


Touch for Health Level 3

At Level 3 more in-depth knowledge is gained as the full 42 muscles are explored and their relationship to the organ systems. The last remaining muscles to learn standing and lying down positions for muscle monitoring are: Neck Extensors, Levator Scapula, Triceps, Opponens Policis, Transverse/Oblique Abdominals, Anterior/Posterior Tibials, Upper Trapezius, Gluteus Maximus, Gracilis, Soleus, Gastrocnemius, Diaphragm, Coracobrachialis, Hamstring.

Additional balancing techniques also include: Five Element Color Balance, 5 Element Goal with Emotions, Five Element Balancing with Food, Sedation Techniques, ESR for Past Trauma, Pulse Check, Pain Tapping, Circuit Retaining Mode, Facilitation and Inhibition, Reactive Muscles, Gaits, and simple balancing techniques for Upper and lower back pain, headaches, and knee pain.  Minimum study hours 15.

The cost for the course is $400 plus HST and includes the pdf handouts, as well as the certificate from the International Kinesiology College which oversees the Touch for Health program. CEUs are available. Payment: $100 deposit/level non-refundable, with balance due 14 days before the start of the course. Referral discount: 10%/person. CanBeWell Members: 10% discount. Repeat any level for 50% discount.

This photo is from a Touch for Health brainstorming session with Dr. Michelle’s mentor, Dr. Gregory Webb, and colleague Cynthia Aldred.  The Charts in the background are great resources when learning the tips and tools of Touch for Health


Touch for Health Level 4

Level 4 is a way to develop skills and experience with all the Touch for Health programming. Included in the class is a review of all the muscle monitoring positions and flow for 42 muscles, both standing and lying down. Further skill is developed with the Figure 8 Energy, 5 Elements and Meridian Review, Posture Analysis, Balancing with Sound, Acupressure Holding Points, Luo Points, Postural Stress Release, Neurolymphatic Release, Posture Analysis, and Time of Day Balance. Minimum study hours: 15. 

The cost for the course is $400 plus HST and includes the pdf handouts, as well as the certificate from the International Kinesiology College which oversees the Touch for Health program. CEUs are available. Payment: $100 deposit/level non-refundable, with balance due 14 days before the start of the course. Referral discount: 10%/person. CanBeWell Members: 10% discount. Repeat any level for 50% discount.

After completing Levels 1-4 it is recommended to repeat the levels to develop skills and precision. Those wishing to develop further competency can go through an assessment program and the instructor program. Please inquire about these additional opportunities when you are ready.

This photo is at a retreat event in Pictou, NS, where participants could play with the Five Element Colours. Dr. Michelle has presented Touch for Health around the world, and has creative teaching methods to bring the tools into every day settings. 


It’s in the Cards deck

Exploring Energy Activation Cards for Self-Care

We all have habits and ideas of how to take care of ourselves. Often we consider nutrition, mindfulness, rest, and relaxation among those choices. What choices are you making to energetically engage with your body and biofield? With this special card series, we are looking at the energetic activities you can engage in to change the balance and flow within the body and the organ systems, as well as the coordination of the brain and body for clear thinking and memory. We also explore building formulas for success in learning, having courage, releasing anxiety and stress, and highlighting our goals and dreams. Sound too good to be true? Consider how “less is more” and what happens when you have “work with no play.” Together we will explore what is possible for you and your ambitions of living with vitality and joy! Please join us and bring a friend to support each other to grow further once the workshop is over.

This card deck was developed based on the Five Element Theory from Chinese Medicine, and the ideas found in Touch for Health.  This is a great card game for kids to learn the self-care tools for themselves. 


BioEnergetic Essentials book

Touch for Health concepts can be found in this introductory book written by Dr. Michelle Greenwell, Tanya Levy, Paula Nowak Droog, and Natascha Polomski – Touch for Health colleagues. This is a great first-aid toolkit when medical assistance is not necessary. You can find the e-book and hardcopy in the shop!

Written for global outreach, and the Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness, you can learn more about the organization that Dr. Michelle has been President of the Leadership Team since 2020. 

LEARN MORE about here