Online Movement and Wellness Classes
Ready to be your best you yet? Check out the classes you could be a part of starting this week!
Ready to be your best you yet? Check out the classes you could be a part of starting this week!
Live at 3 pm Atlantic, learn more about the power of exercise to support the brain and body. Michelle is on Living Naturally with Michaela today!
Are you ready to move yourself into wellbeing with your body wisdom? Kristen Mangione and Dr. Michelle Greenwell discuss movement programs that provide awareness and embodiment of joy and passion through the exploration of free movement. Change your future with movement.
Mindfulness and centering result when we take time to reflect on our experiences. What will you discover about yourself and your knowledge through this process?
The Greenwell Center for Holistic Health resides on Unama'ki, a part of Mi'kma'ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq People. We are honoured to live, work, harvest, and play on the beautiful Cape Breton Island.
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