Stories: Making a Good Cape Breton Tea

For anyone who has been to a Cape Bretoner’s for a visit, you will be offered the traditional orange pekoe (aka King Cole) with the milk added into the cup first, and an oatcake or tea biscuit on the side. The tea may have been on the back of the stove since first thing in the morning with several bags of tea added as the day progressed. Tea in Cape Breton is serious business, just like hospitality and neighbours dropping by.

What do we know about tea and cookies? Amazingly, scientists have researched the best cookie to have with your cup of tea for dunking. Unfortunately, they didn’t include the Cape Breton Oatcake, particularly, Effie Rankin’s recipe from Mabou, or Elizabeth Beaton’s recipe from Glencoe. But they did conclude that the traditional Oatcake is number one for longest lasting after a dunk, to avoid crumbles and drops before eating.

To learn more about Hobnobs, digestives, and cookies, take a look at the full article:

Originally posted: DECEMBER 29, 2022